Factsheets CLEW Factsheets explain key aspects of the energy transition and provide an overview of current issues. Topic - Any -Adaptation (5)Agriculture (7)Bioenergy (4)Business & Jobs (11)COP21 (4)COP23 (2)COP28 (1)Carbon market (2)Carbon removal (6)Cars (11)Cities (3)Citizens' energy (4)Climate & CO2 (46)Coal (11)Company climate claims (5)Construction (1)Cost & Prices (16)Digitalisation (2)EU (25)Efficiency (7)Elections & Politics (52)Electricity (2)Electricity market (16)Energiewende (24)Finance (6)Fossil fuels (20)Freight (6)G20 & G7 (1)Gas (10)Government (7)Green stimulus (1)Grid (8)Heating (5)Hydrogen (8)Industry (6)International (16)Mobility (4)Nuclear phase-out (8)Policy (33)Renewable Energy Act | EEG (3)Renewable Energy Act | EEG 2014 (8)Renewable Energy Act | EEG 2016 (3)Renewables (18)Resources & Recycling (4)Security (9)Society (15)Solar (3)Start-ups (1)Storage (1)Technology (12)Transport (9)Utilities (9)Wind (7) Location - Any -Croatia (2)EU (23)France (6)Germany (46)Global (9)Greece (1)Italy (4)Netherlands (1)Poland (2) Factsheet Germany Q&A: First climate and energy proposals from Germany’s future coalition government Factsheet Italy CLEW Guide – Italy moves on green transition, but fossil ties remain tight Factsheet EU What’s next in Europe? – Agenda of European climate and energy policy Factsheet EU Q&A: EU aims to bolster competitiveness through Clean Industrial Deal Factsheet Germany Nord Stream 2 – Symbol of failed German bet on Russian gas Factsheet EU Energy and climate crunch points in Germany's upcoming coalition talks Factsheet EU Q&A: What is on the menu of the EU’s new Vision for Agriculture and Food? Factsheet Croatia CLEW Guide – Croatia caught between LNG ambitions and abundant untapped renewable energy potential Factsheet Germany Key climate and energy tasks for Germany's next government Factsheet Germany Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions and energy transition targets Factsheet EU CLEW Guide – How the European Union is trying to legislate a path to net-zero Factsheet Germany Vote25 – German parties’ energy and climate policy positions for the 2025 election Factsheet France CLEW Guide – Government turmoil casts doubt over France's transition progress Factsheet Germany German onshore wind power – output, business and perspectives Factsheet Poland CLEW Guide – Poland's new govt yet to deliver on energy transition promises Factsheet Germany CLEW Guide – Snap elections add new uncertainties to Germany's 2030 climate targets Factsheet Germany Germany's Climate Action Law Factsheet Germany The road to a new coalition government in Germany Factsheet Italy Q&A – Italy considers controversial return to nuclear power Factsheet Germany Germany’s energy consumption and power mix in charts Factsheet EU Q&A: What are dynamic electricity tariffs and why are they central to the energy transition? Factsheet EU Polls reveal citizen support for climate action and energy transition Factsheet Germany Q&A: What does the German coalition government break-up mean for climate and energy? Factsheet Germany Q&A: How will Germany support the expansion of renewables in future? Factsheet Germany Q&A - Germany’s draft Carbon Management Strategy Factsheet Germany Opportunities and opposition – East Germany's oscillating energy transition Factsheet Germany After the phase-out: Germany grapples with nuclear legacy as waste challenge remains Factsheet Global Global surveys show people’s growing concern about climate change Factsheet EU Understanding the European Union’s Emissions Trading Systems (EU ETS) Factsheet Global What are the best materials for sustainable construction and renovation? Factsheet Germany Q&A - Germany’s nuclear exit: One year after Factsheet EU Climate in the 2024 EU elections and the making of the union’s next leadership Factsheet EU Germany, EU remain heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels Factsheet EU Q&A – CCS makes comeback as Germany and the EU strive for climate neutrality Factsheet Germany Germany’s carbon pricing system for transport and buildings Factsheet Germany Solar power in Germany – output, business & perspectives Factsheet EU Q&A: The EU industrial carbon management strategy Factsheet Germany Q&A – What the German top court’s ‘debt brake’ ruling means for climate policy Factsheet Germany Q&A – How are farmers’ protests in Germany linked to climate policy? Factsheet Germany Germany’s climate foreign policy strategy Factsheet Global Q&A: COP28 and the 100 billion U.S. dollar climate finance commitment Factsheet Netherlands Netherlands' future climate policy unclear after far-right’s shock election win Factsheet Germany Q&A – Germany plans to shield industry with electricity tax breaks, subsidies Factsheet Germany Geared-up Germany enters second winter without Russian gas Factsheet Germany Germany’s climate action programme 2023 Factsheet Germany Q&A – Germany agrees phaseout of fossil fuel heating systems Factsheet France IPCEI: Germany and France bet on joint EU platform for sustainable industry Factsheet Germany Germany's National Hydrogen Strategy Factsheet France A shared challenge: Attitudes about climate action in France and Germany Factsheet EU Covering climate and energy policy during Spain’s EU Council presidency Factsheet Global Q&A - Heating with hydrogen: Clean alternative or pipe dream? Factsheet Global What are the best technologies to heat homes cleanly? Factsheet France How Germany’s and France’s climate policies and greenhouse gas emissions compare Factsheet Italy Q&A – Italy strives to become EU energy leader a year ahead of 2024 EU vote Factsheet France How energy systems and policies of Germany and France compare Factsheet Germany Q&A – Germany faces heated debates over climate policy in 2024 EU election Factsheet Croatia Q&A – Climate may get only sporadic attention as economy to dominate Croatia’s “super election year” Factsheet France Q&A – French torn between energy price fears and climate threat a year before EU vote Factsheet Germany Ukraine war pushes Germany to build LNG terminals Factsheet EU Q&A: How the EU aims to reign in false green claims on products Factsheet EU Covering the EU’s “Fit for 55” package of climate and energy laws Factsheet EU Q&A: Making the EU’s electricity market fit for a climate-neutral future Factsheet Poland Lack of coordination and monitoring slows climate adaptation in Poland Factsheet Germany Q&A: German capital Berlin votes whether to make city climate neutral by 2030 Factsheet Greece Greece must make up for lost time in climate adaptation Factsheet Italy Climate change adaptation plans fall short in hard-hit Italy Factsheet Global The big players of net zero climate consulting Factsheet EU Q&A - Why Europe needs to adapt to the impacts of climate change Factsheet EU Europe steps up climate change adaptation in wake of floods and heatwaves Factsheet EU The EU’s Carbon Border Tax — panacea or recipe for trade war? Factsheet Germany German offshore wind power - output, business and perspectives Factsheet Germany Germany’s three lignite mining regions Factsheet Germany Coal in Germany Factsheet Germany What German households pay for electricity Factsheet Germany Q&A – Energy crisis reignites debate about fracking in Germany Factsheet Germany Blackout or gas shortage – How would Germany deal with an energy emergency? Factsheet Germany Germany’s 2022 renewables and efficiency reforms Factsheet Global How to unpick a company net zero target in 7 steps Factsheet EU Company climate claims in court: Pending cases will shape future of 'net zero' pledges Factsheet Global Devil in the detail: The basics of company climate claims Factsheet Germany Q&A: The “stress test” - what kind of nuclear runtime extension is Germany debating? Factsheet Germany What happens if Russia's gas supplies to Germany are cut? Factsheet Key challenges of a halt to Russian fossil gas imports Factsheet The practical challenges of an embargo on Russian oil Factsheet Germany Green and sustainable finance in Germany Factsheet EU Carbon farming explained: the pros, the cons and the EU's plans Factsheet Germany Tesla's Berlin gigafactory will accelerate shift to electric cars Factsheet Germany The energy crunch – Effects on households and businesses and government's reaction Factsheet Germany Q&A: What does Germany's decision to put Nord Stream 2 on hold mean? Factsheet Energy crunch - How does it affect Germany’s climate policy & what can be done? Factsheet EU The energy crunch – What causes the rise in energy prices? Factsheet What does the coalition deal mean for renewables, coal and the power market in Germany? Factsheet The story of "Climate Chancellor" Angela Merkel Factsheet The design of Germany's new govt: A climate “super ministry” for the Greens Factsheet Germany Next German government's key climate and energy plans in 2021 coalition agreement Factsheet Global Climate litigation advances to key tool for enforcing emission cuts Factsheet Climate and energy stumbling blocks for the 2021 German coalition talks Factsheet Vote21 - Milestones & facts for Germany's packed election year Factsheet Climate-friendly farming: The proposals of Germany's agriculture commission Factsheet Vote21: climate & energy in German parties' election programmes Factsheet How many car industry jobs are at risk from the shift to electric vehicles? Factsheet Volkswagen places massive EV bet to master green mobility shift Factsheet Set-up and challenges of Germany's power grid Factsheet Waste to Energy – Controversial power generation by incineration Factsheet CO2 reduction and biofuels in Germany's transport sector - implementing the RED II directive Factsheet Germany's electricity grid stable amid energy transition Factsheet EU Green resources, reuse and recycling are key to cleaner e-car batteries Factsheet German top court finds key climate legislation insufficient in landmark ruling Factsheet What's new in Germany's Renewable Energy Act 2021 Factsheet Reluctant Daimler shifts gear in race to sustainable mobility Factsheet BMW has tumbled from electric car pioneer to laggard Factsheet Germany The history behind Germany's nuclear phase-out Factsheet EU’s Farm to Fork strategy impacts climate, productivity, and trade Factsheet Resources and recycling needs for Germany's solar panels Factsheet Germany Resources and recycling needs for Germany's wind turbines Factsheet Electric highways offer the most efficient path to decarbonise trucks Factsheet Who sets the targets? Expert Q&A on European energy and climate policy Factsheet What a higher EU 2030 climate target means for member states like Germany Factsheet Germany Spelling out the coal exit – Germany’s phase-out plan Factsheet Geothermal energy – Germany's largely untapped renewable heat source Factsheet "Dieselgate" - a timeline of the car emissions fraud scandal in Germany Factsheet A (very) brief timeline of Germany's Energiewende Factsheet Green stimulus: what it could look like in the various areas of the economy Factsheet High-profile advisory group lays out proposals for Germany's sustainable finance push Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Hamburg Factsheet Implementing Germany’s coal exit proposal Factsheet Heating 40 million homes – the hurdles to phasing out fossil fuels in German basements Factsheet Germany's Climate Action Programme 2030 Factsheet Industry power prices in Germany: Extremely high – and low Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Thuringia Factsheet Germany's 2030 climate action package Factsheet 20 years on: German renewables pioneers face end of guaranteed payment Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Brandenburg Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Saxony Factsheet Germany's green finance key actors at a glance Factsheet Putting a price on emissions: What are the prospects for carbon pricing in Germany? Factsheet 'Green Energy Valley' - Germany's green start-up scene in numbers Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in the city of Bremen Factsheet German commission proposes coal exit by 2038 Factsheet Germany’s climate obligations under the EU Effort Sharing scheme Factsheet National climate measures and European emission trading: Assessing the ‘waterbed effect’ Factsheet Limits to growth: Resistance against wind power in Germany Factsheet The task force in charge of steering Germany to clean mobility Factsheet Germany’s Climate Action Plan 2050 Factsheet Students demand climate action with “Fridays for Future” school strikes Factsheet The main stories of Germany's Energiewende Factsheet Energy use in the city of Berlin Factsheet Germany’s coal exit commission Factsheet Tenant electricity - feeble start for Germany's 'Energiewende at home' Factsheet How Germany’s Vocational Education and Training system works Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Bavaria Factsheet Climate impact of farming, land use (change) and forestry in Germany Factsheet Facts on German state elections and the energy transition in Hesse Factsheet Citizens’ participation in the Energiewende Factsheet From ideas to laws – how Energiewende policy is shaped Factsheet Rail cargo emissions in Germany Factsheet Road freight emissions in Germany Factsheet Air cargo emissions in Germany Factsheet Germany's maritime freight emissions Factsheet Power-to-gas: Fix for all problems or simply too expensive? Factsheet How much does Germany’s energy transition cost? Factsheet Sector coupling - Shaping an integrated renewable energy system Factsheet Germany’s Siemens: a case study in Energiewende industry upheaval Factsheet Environmental concerns accompany German offshore wind expansion Factsheet Interconnectors & blockages – German grid at odds with EU power market Factsheet Germany’s largest utilities at a glance Factsheet Diesel driving bans in Germany – The Q&A Factsheet Climate, energy and transport in Germany's coalition treaty Factsheet The causes and effects of negative power prices Factsheet Climate finance: A brief overview of Germany’s contributions Factsheet High hopes and concerns over onshore wind power auctions Factsheet COP23 - See the energy transition in Germany's industrial centre Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Lower Saxony Factsheet Climate & energy stumbling blocks for Jamaica-coalition talks Factsheet German elections ahead: The road to the next Energiewende government Factsheet Campaign quotes: Greens and Free Democrats on Energiewende issues Factsheet Campaign quotes: What Merkel & Schulz say about Energiewende issues Factsheet What business thinks of the energy transition Factsheet What energy & climate stakeholders want from Germany's next government Factsheet #btw17 - Reporting on the general elections in Germany Factsheet Colour codes: How energy & climate policy differs in German coalitions Factsheet Vote2017: German parties' energy & climate policy positions Factsheet The debate over an end to combustion engines in Germany Factsheet Blockchain - the next revolution in the energy sector? Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Schleswig-Holstein Factsheet Germany ponders how to finance renewables expansion in the future Factsheet Securing utility payments for the nuclear clean-up Factsheet From survey to harvest: How to build a wind farm in Germany Factsheet Cities' & municipalities' role in the Energiewende Factsheet Key stakeholders in Germany’s Energiewende Factsheet Key publications on Germany’s Energiewende Factsheet Facts on the German state elections in Saarland Factsheet The Green Party's federal election programme Factsheet How can Germany keep the lights on in a renewable energy future? Factsheet Power grid fees - Unfair and opaque? Factsheet When will Germany finally ditch coal? Factsheet Facts on German state elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Factsheet Bioenergy's public acceptance problem Factsheet Bioenergy in Germany – facts and figures on development, support and investment Factsheet Germany’s trimmed-down Climate Action Plan Factsheet Volatile but predictable: Forecasting renewable power generation Factsheet Germany’s renewable generation peaks remain shrouded in data fog Factsheet Reactions to the Renewable Energy Act reform 2016 Factsheet EEG reform 2016 – switching to auctions for renewables Factsheet RWE’s plans for new renewable subsidiary Factsheet Germany's new power market design Factsheet Climate Action Plan 2050: Negotiating a path to decarbonisation Factsheet E.ON shareholders ratify energy giant's split Factsheet Local stories from Germany's energy transition Factsheet Green Party coalition partner in three new German state governments Factsheet Key results and facts from German state elections on 13 March Factsheet German federalism: In 16 states of mind over the Energiewende Factsheet Energiewende in transportation: Vague goals, modest strides Factsheet Re-dispatch costs in the German power grid Factsheet The role of biofuel and hydrogen in Germany's transport Energiewende Factsheet Loop flows: Why is wind power from northern Germany putting east European grids under pressure? Factsheet Vattenfall's German brown coal: what's being sold and who wants to buy Factsheet COP21 - Media on Germany and the Paris Climate Summit Factsheet Paris climate deal – does Germany get what it hoped for? Factsheet Controversial climate summit issues – positions in Germany Factsheet Legal disputes over the nuclear phase-out Factsheet Nuclear clean-up costs Factsheet Capacity markets around the world Factsheet White paper presents government proposal for power market reform Factsheet Government opts for alternative to coal levy Factsheet Technologies of Energiewende Factsheet Energiewende - Germany is not alone Factsheet Milestones of the German Energiewende Factsheet Germany's energy transition in numbers Factsheet Combined heat and power - an Energiewende cornerstone? Factsheet Where the Energiewende creates jobs Factsheet Small, but powerful – Germany’s municipal utilities Factsheet Balancing the books: Germany's "green energy account" Factsheet Setting the power price: the merit order effect Factsheet German utilities and the Energiewende Factsheet Government progress report on Energiewende spells out political goals Factsheet Details of new Climate Action Programme Factsheet Germany’s power market reform: the options on the table Factsheet The Climate Action Programme – what it's all about Factsheet Facts and figures on the social impact of the Energiewende Factsheet Defining features of the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) 2014 Factsheet Position of key stakeholders on the EEG 2.0: Environmental groups Factsheet Comparing old and new: Changes to Germany's Renewable Energy Act Factsheet Positions of key stakeholders on the EEG 2.0: Business and consumers Factsheet Positions of key stakeholders on the EEG: Research Institutes Factsheet Positions of key stakeholders on the EEG: Government and federal states
Factsheet Croatia CLEW Guide – Croatia caught between LNG ambitions and abundant untapped renewable energy potential
Factsheet Germany CLEW Guide – Snap elections add new uncertainties to Germany's 2030 climate targets
Factsheet EU Q&A: What are dynamic electricity tariffs and why are they central to the energy transition?
Factsheet Germany Q&A: What does the German coalition government break-up mean for climate and energy?
Factsheet Germany After the phase-out: Germany grapples with nuclear legacy as waste challenge remains
Factsheet Netherlands Netherlands' future climate policy unclear after far-right’s shock election win
Factsheet Croatia Q&A – Climate may get only sporadic attention as economy to dominate Croatia’s “super election year”
Factsheet France Q&A – French torn between energy price fears and climate threat a year before EU vote
Factsheet Germany Q&A: The “stress test” - what kind of nuclear runtime extension is Germany debating?
Factsheet CO2 reduction and biofuels in Germany's transport sector - implementing the RED II directive
Factsheet Loop flows: Why is wind power from northern Germany putting east European grids under pressure?