A (very) brief timeline of Germany's Energiewende
For a more in-depth timeline see the CLEW factsheet Milestones of the German Energiewende.
For an interactive timeline with additional documents visit Carbon Brief’s Timeline: The past, present and future of Germany’s Energiewende.
“Nuclear Energy? No, thanks!” Birth of Germany’s anti-nuclear movement as protestors block construction of a nuclear power plant in Wyhl, close to Germany’s border with France
Enter the Greens Germany’s Green Party is founded, with an exit from nuclear energy and a renewable future as key demands
Activists and politicians begin to use the term “Energiewende”
The Green Party enters the Bundestag for the first time
Chernobyl disaster The accident solidifies Germans’ resistance to nuclear energy
Climate change The weekly Spiegel magazine publishes a cover story on global warming, prompting parliament to establish an advisory council to address concerns about climate change
Nuclear phase-out #0 For economic and security reasons, the GDR’s only two nuclear power plants are switched off with the reunification of Germany
Ambitious targets Federal Cabinet adopts its first emissions reduction target: 25 to 30 percent fewer CO₂ emissions by 2005, compared to 1987 levels
Kick-starting renewables New legislation introduces feed-in tariffs for renewable power
Kyoto Protocol New agreement requires Germany – the world’s sixth largest emitter at the time – to cut CO2 emissions
Renewable Energy ActThe Renewable Energy Act (EEG) stipulates fixed feed-in tariffs and grid priority for renewables
Nuclear phase-out #1 Red-Green government reaches “nuclear consensus” with utilities: a phase-out by around 2022
EU targets EU sets 2020 climate targets: 20 percent of electricity to come from renewables; a 20 percent cut in greenhouse gases; 20 percent more efficiency
Extending nuclear The CDU (conservative) government reverses the “nuclear consensus” by cancelling the phase-out
Energy concept The government sets out climate and renewables targets for 2020 and 2050
Nuclear phase-out #2 Following the Fukushima disaster, Merkel announces new nuclear phase-out by 2022, with backing of large parliamentary majority
New EEG & climate action Government lowers feed-in tariffs, introduces auction system for PV capacity
Climate Action Programme 2020 Government introduces catalogue of measures to reach climate targets
Slow progress The Energiewende monitoring report shows that climate targets are “in serious danger”; 2020 emission reduction target likely to be “missed considerably”
Utility spin-offs Utilities E.ON and RWE separate renewables from fossil operations
Decarbonisation Federal government agrees on its Climate Action Plan 2050, a basic framework for largely decarbonising Germany’s economy to reach 2050 climate goals. It includes target corridors for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in individual economic sectors
Car emissions scandal In wake of Dieselgate, German carmakers step up e-mobility ambitions
Renewables reform The switch from set feed-in tariffs to auctions for renewables enters into force
G20 Chancellor Merkel helps close rank of 19 governments in support of Paris Climate Agreement, isolating the US
COP23 UN climate conference in Bonn: delegations negotiate rulebook for Paris Agreement
New government Renewed grand coalition gives up on 2020 climate targets, raises renewables expansion goal, announces Climate Protection Law
Diesel bans In major blow to German carmakers, top court ruling opens door for diesel driving bans
Coal exit commission Renewables overtake coal as Germany’s most important power source, while government sets up multi-stakeholder task force to decide on country’s coal exit path by end of 2018
Utilities shakeup RWE and E .ON split up utility innogy, separating grids from generation
Climate action package Climate cabinet presents major policy package including national CO2 price for transport & buildings
Climate action law Germany’s first climate law makes emissions reduction legally binding
Coal exit law Cabinet adopts coal exit law including timetable