07 Apr 2020, 13:19
Julian Wettengel

Think tank proposes remuneration for innovative renewables systems guaranteeing non-stop feed-in

Clean Energy Wire

Operators of innovative renewables systems that guarantee continuous energy supply day and night, for example by combining generation, storage, digital management and sector coupling, should receive a special feed-in tariff of eight cents per kilowatt-hour, says the Energy Watch Group, a Berlin-based network of scientists and parliamentarians. It proposes legislation on the system integration of renewable energies. The law is supposed to create the necessary market push for renewable energies to “increasingly take on system responsibility.” “Renewable energies can and must finally take responsibility for system security,” energy industry association BDEW head Kerstin Andreae commented on the proposal. “The Energy Watch Group's legislative proposal is a contribution to this debate, and one that we will also deal with.”

Especially wind and solar power are often criticised for their volatility. Technological innovations in storage, digitalisation, sector coupling and weather forecasts are seen as critical to making a fully renewables-based energy system possible in the future.

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