04 Dec 2018, 15:34
Benjamin Wehrmann

Offshore wind operators want legal basis for raised capacity target

Federal Association of Offshore Wind Farm Operators

The association of Germany’s offshore wind farm operators (BWO) has welcomed a government proposal to increase the country’s offshore wind power capacity from 15 to 20 gigawatt (GW) by 2030. “Increasing the expansion goal to 20 GW has not only been one of the BWO's key demands for some time, but also of the entire industry and of northern German federal states,” the association says in a press release. The 15 GW goal dated back to a time when generation costs for offshore wind power still were much higher than in the latest auctions, which is why a ramped up goal now made sense both from a climate and from an economic perspective, the BWO said. However, the association criticises that the government has commissioned the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) with examining the additional wind power capacity expansion instead of explicitly establishing the increased goal and putting it on a new legal basis.

Find the press release in German here.

 See the dossier Offshore wind power in Germany for more information.

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