24 Mar 2025, 13:27
Carolina Kyllmann

Germany must show global leadership ahead of climate talks – NGOs

Clean Energy Wire

Several climate and environmental NGOs have called on the German government to step up its leadership efforts and remain a reliable climate protection advocate ahead of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue to be held in Berlin on 25 and 26 March. The organisations – including Climate Alliance Germany, Germanwatch, WWF Germany and Oxfam – said that the event hosted by the German government in the run-up to the UN climate change conference COP30 in Brazil later this year should lay the foundations for the international community to come together to tackle the climate crisis and in particular address open questions, such as climate financing.

"In order to effectively combat the climate crisis as a security risk, the next German government must strengthen the country's important role in international climate negotiations and forge alliances," environmental NGO Climate Alliance Germany said. This was echoed by Viviane Raddatz, climate head at WWF Germany: "The Petersberg Climate Dialogue can ensure that the global community comes together despite uncertainties and setbacks."

The organisations called on the incoming German government to confirm its commitment to provide at least six billion euros from the state budget for international climate financing this year. "The soft power vacuum that the US has left behind by withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and suspending USAID payments should be filled as quickly as possible by Germany and its European partners," said David Ryfisch, head of the division on sustainable finance flows at Germanwatch.

Ministers from around 40 countries will come together in Berlin for the Petersberg Climate Dialogue. The annual meeting is seen as a key milestone on the road to the UN climate negotiations, to be held in Belem, Brazil in November.

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