14 Dec 2021, 12:12
Edgar Meza

German gas mix emissions incompatible with climate targets - report

Clean Energy Wire

A new report on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions conducted by the International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (IINAS) on behalf of renewable energy consultancy DWR eco finds that greenhouse gas emissions caused by Germany’s natural gas mix will remain unchanged by 2030 under current circumstances. The significant 27 percent energy share of natural gas is not compatible with the goal of climate neutrality formulated in the new German government’s coalition agreement nor an emission reduction path in line with the Paris Agreement, DWR eco notes. In addition, the proportion of green gases such as hydrogen will also remain low in 2030 and will not be able to contribute to an improved emissions profile. Around 10 percent of the specific emissions of Germany’s natural gas mix - which have a current factor of 225 gCO2eq/kWh - are attributed to the upstream chain (production, processing, transport). The study predicts that by 2030, that factor will increase to 228 gCO2eq/kWh, due in particular to the continued significant share of Russian gas deliveries with an above-average share of emissions from the upstream chain. The study makes the case that switching from natural gas to electricity-based solutions would have a positive impact on the climate. An increasing share of renewable energy sources in the electricity sector would steadily lead to lower emissions, due also to the high efficiency of electricity applications in areas such as e-mobility and heating. The faster the expansion of renewable energy, the higher the emission reduction potential of electricity-based solutions, DWR eco states.

Natural gas consumption reached 30 percent in the first half of 2021, becoming the most important energy source for the first time in Germany.

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