05 Feb 2024, 13:29
Julian Wettengel

EU's 90% emissions reduction target by 2040 must be flanked by supporting measures – energy industry

Clean Energy Wire

The European Union could achieve an ambitious greenhouse gas reduction target of 90 percent by 2040, compared to 1990, but the bloc must "consistently" implement the Green Deal, said Germany's energy industry association BDEW. "A target of 90 percent greenhouse gas reduction compared to 1990 levels would be ambitious and only achievable if it is flanked by the corresponding political measures," said the association. The focus had to be on the expansion of renewable energies and energy grids as well as the increasing decarbonisation of gas supply, said BDEW. "It is also important not to place unnecessary obstacles in the way of companies due to overly complex and bureaucratic requirements," it said.

The European Commission is set to present its proposal for a 2040 greenhouse gas reduction target this week (6 February), and leaked drafts suggest it will aim for 90 percent compared to 1990. The EU aims to reduce emissions by 55 percent by 2030 and targets climate neutrality by 2050. Now, the EU is focussing on the interim year 2040, for which no target exists so far.

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