22 Mar 2022, 13:00
Jessica Bateman

German realpolitik: Govt bets on gas from Qatar to replace Russian supply – media verdicts

Zeit / Tagesspiegel / Handelsblatt

Germany’s opinion writers have weighed in on the government’s liquid natural gas (LNG) deal with Qatar, concluding that the country has little choice but to accept an energy partnership with the gulf state.

Writing for Zeit, Zacharias Zacharakis praised energy and climate minister Robert Habeck’s (Green Party) honesty about the tough decision presented to him, describing it as “a reassortment under enormous time pressure” rather than an abandonment of his Green Party values.
Der Tagesspiegel’s Christopher von Marshall described Qatari gas as “despot gas, bought with the lack of freedom of dissidents, or even their blood” but argued that any alternative fuel source comes with drawbacks, such as the environmental destruction associated with American LNG.
Thomas Sigmund from business daily Handelsblatt was broadly positive, praising Habeck for a move they argue will help tackle rising consumer energy prices, and pointing out the Green Party is still polling well with voters despite an apparent drift from its core principles.

Habeck launched the energy partnership with the Emir of Qatar, which includes both the supply of LNG and cooperation on renewables, earlier this week. “It’s the Ukraine crisis which has brought me here – the attempt to wean ourselves off Russian coal, oil and gas as quickly as possible,” he had said.

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