10 Aug 2022, 13:30
Julian Wettengel

Still no LNG supply contracts between German and Qatari companies – media report


Tagesspiegel Background

There are still no liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply contracts between German and Qatari companies almost five months after economy minister Robert Habeck visited the gulf state in March to secure alternatives to Russian energy, reports Tagesspiegel Background. A key issue is that Qatar wants to conclude long-term contracts with durations of around 20 years while Germany sees gas as a bridging technology, the article states. “The Qataris have decided not to make a good offer, and the companies I was there with at the time have gone elsewhere for gas at the moment,” Habeck said at a citizens' dialogue in Bavaria in July, as reported by Bild. "It is the companies which are negotiating concrete contracts for the supply of gas,” said an economy ministry spokesperson.

Habeck was both praised and criticised for his talks with the emirate Qatar. Some came out against exchanging one “state of injustice” with another when looking for new energy supply, while others said the country has little choice but to accept an energy partnership with the gulf state.

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