21 Aug 2024, 13:57
Carolina Kyllmann

No increased construction material recycling uptake one year after new law – industry

Clean Energy Wire

Excessive bureaucracy and lack of acceptance for used building materials are getting in the way of Germany's targets to increase recycling rates of construction products, according to a joint survey by four construction and recycling associations. One year after the introduction of a law aimed at driving the circular economy in construction, the 156 companies surveyed haven’t made much progress: five percent said they were recycling more building rubble and excavated soil. Over half (52%) of companies saw no change, while 42 percent said fewer materials were being processed for recycling than before the law was introduced.

The survey was conducted by the German Demolition Association (DA), Association of the German Construction Industry (ZDB), the Federation of the German Construction Industry (HDB) and the Federal Association of Recycled Building Materials (BGRB). Among the main reasons mentioned for lagging progress was a lack of acceptance: most recycled products still have to be classed as waste and do not have the status of a building product, which puts clients off, the companies said. Extensive documentation required for manufacturers and users, including questions around liability and risk, were also mentioned as reasons hampering progress.

Construction and demolition waste accounts for the largest volume of waste in Germany. The concept of a circular economy has emerged as a key strategy for disconnecting economic activity from the ever-increasing consumption of natural resources and keeping materials in supply chains, rather than discarding them into landfill.

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