22 Aug 2024, 10:35
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 22 August '24

Reuters: Germany's Deutsche Bahn must cut off DB Cargo aid after EU probe, say sources

Germany's state-owned Deutsche Bahn will no longer be able to financially support its loss-making freight operator DB Cargo as the result of an investigation by EU competition regulators, according to German government and supervisory board sources.

FT: Tech industry taps old power stations to expand AI infrastructure

Coal power stations are being decommissioned in parts of the US and Europe, but may have attributes that a data centre campus would need. Industrial sites will typically have been designed for high power usage, for example, and might come with power transmission infrastructure and be located close to a water source.

Bloomberg: How Big Tech is obscuring AI’s climate impact

Amazon, Microsoft and Meta are concealing their actual carbon footprints, buying credits tied to electricity use that inaccurately erase millions of tons of planet-warming emissions from their carbon accounts, a Bloomberg Green analysis finds.

Reuters: Denmark's North Sea energy island delayed again by high costs

Denmark will delay by at least three more years construction of a planned North Sea energy island to supply renewable power to three million European households, a government minister said on Wednesday, citing rising costs and high interest rates.

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