15 Aug 2023, 14:19
Jack McGovan

Installation of solar panels on German residential buildings to be made easier in draft law


A new draft law that makes it easier to install solar panels on residential buildings and agricultural land is set to be adopted this Wednesday (16 August), according to Table.Media. Government sources told the news service the proposed law would simplify the process for property owners and renters to install solar devices on balconies, roofs, terrasses and facades. Reducing the amount of bureaucracy involved in application procedures is one of the proposed changes highlighted by Germany’s economy and climate ministry (BMWK). The government is also trying to incentivise solar farm construction on agricultural land, and will increase the remuneration for generating energy from photovoltaics as part of the law, Table.Media reported.

Currently, solar power systems cover about 10 percent of Germany’s electricity demand, with plans to increase the share to some 30 percent by 2030. Analysis from earlier this year found that Germany overtook Spain to become the leading PV market in Europe, and industry experts in Germany have previously expressed support for the construction of solar panels on agricultural land. Expanding solar remains an important part of Germany’s goal to generate 80 percent of its energy sources from renewables by 2030.

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