06 Oct 2021, 12:16
Edgar Meza

German government must agree on an ambitious EU climate policy -- NGOs

Clean Energy Wire

As political leaders debate the European Commission’s Fit for 55 package of proposals to reduce emissions by 2030, German NGOs are calling for both the incoming and current governments to reach agreement on an ambitious EU climate policy. Environmental Action Germany (DUH) is demanding “a fundamental change of course in EU climate policy from the new federal government”. In a new paper, the DUH outlined policy standards for transport, emissions trading and the heating transition. The Fit for 55 climate package must be geared towards the 1.5 degree limit and the new federal government must agree to the ambitious EU climate policy in its coalition agreement. Noting that a 65 percent greenhouse gas reduction by 2030 is necessary to meet the 1.5 degree limit, DUH head Sascha Müller-Kraenner stressed that the European reduction target of at least 55 percent must be exceeded. “The submitted draft for the climate package contains some promising approaches, but it is not sufficient for the EU, as the third largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world, to make a fair contribution to limiting climate change." Kai Niebert, president of German environmental umbrella organisation DNR, called on German environment minister Svenja Schulze to honor the results of Germany’s recent federal election. Climate protection was a deciding factor for German voters, who rejected the current government’s toddling pace of the last few years, he said.

Unveiled in July, the EU’s “Fit for 55” legislative proposals aim for a 55 percent greenhouse gas reduction by 2030. The proposed changes will have a major impact on national policies across Europe and range from revising emissions trading and increasing renewables targets to introducing new CO2 limits for cars and vans. Disputes seem inevitable as, in many cases, countries have vastly different interest and points of departure.

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