02 Jul 2020, 13:03
Kerstine Appunn

German gas network to grow by 1746 kilometres, hydrogen grid is the future

Clean Energy Wire

Germany’s gas pipeline operators (FNB) are suggesting to add 1746 kilometres of new connections to the natural gas network and additional compressor stations with a capacity of 405 megawatts by 2030. They are estimating investments of 8.5 billion euros for these additions. The new network development plan 2020-2030 also outlines the new pipeline infrastructure for hydrogen. The plan will now be checked by the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur).

Industry group BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries) today published a cross-sectoral plan for the restructuring of the gas supply, including the incorporation of hydrogen on a larger scale so that by 2050 climate neutral gases could entirely replace the combustion of natural gas.

In the fight against climate change, hydrogen made with renewable electricity is increasingly seen as a silver bullet for sectors with particularly stubborn emissions, such as heavy industry and aviation. Germany has put its ambitions to become a global leader in hydrogen technologies to paper in a National Hydrogen Strategy. The gas grid operators said in May that establishing an initial grid for transporting green hydrogen could be accomplished by repurposing natural gas pipelines at a “justifiable cost”.

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