07 Feb 2019, 13:49
Benjamin Wehrmann

Student climate activist Greta Thunberg calls Germany’s 2038 coal exit proposal “absurd”

Focus Online

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has called the proposed 2038 deadline for ending coal-fired power production in Germany “absurd.” The 16-year-old student, who gained popularity for initiating a wave of climate action protests by school students (Fridays for Future) in many countries, said “Germany has an incredible opportunity and an incredible duty to stop burning coal,” as this would be a clear signal to the rest of the world that “these things have to stop.”
A commission bringing together industry representatives, environmental protection groups and other stakeholders agreed in late January on the proposed end date for coal, which the government is likely to adopt for its future energy policy planning. However, interest groups from both sides have criticised the commission agreement either for not being ambitious enough from a climate perspective or for jeopardising the power supply of Europe’s largest economy.

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