29 Nov 2018, 15:47
Benjamin Wehrmann

France overtakes Germany as most attractive G20 country for renewable energy investments

Allianz / Germanwatch

Germany has ceded its position as the G20’s most attractive market for renewable energy investments to its neighbour France, the Climate and Energy Monitor 2018 report by insurance company Allianz has found. The report compiled together with NGO Germanwatch says that while France boasts “an overall favourable environment for renewables,” Germany falls back “due to a drop in the quality of the overall policy environment.” An example is the switch to auctions in Germany’s renewables support scheme, which has cut the expansion volumes of renewable energies while additional auctions to compensate for this decrease have not been implemented quickly enough to defend the country’s leading position, says Germanwatch’s Jan Burck.  The UK and Italy follow on rank three and four, respectively, the report says. However, the authors stress that “despite high scores for several countries, no single country is yet close to becoming a role model” for others to illustrate a successful implantation of the Paris Climate Agreement’s provisions.

Find the report in English here and a press release by Germanwatch in German here.

Find background in the CLEW dossier The energy transition's effects on the economy.

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