09 Aug 2023, 13:24
Julian Wettengel

Less than one in five Germans say govt’s climate policy moving too fast – survey


Three quarters of Germans worry about their future in regards to climate change, and many citizens say the government is not taking action rapidly enough, a survey by pollster INSA, commissioned by tabloid Bild showed. Climate policies introduced by the German government are moving too slowly according to 46 percent of respondents, with 25 percent saying the speed is just right, and 19 percent saying it is moving too fast. A large majority (80%) said that climate requirements harm the economy. The current economic situation (27%) topped the list of issues Germans are most worried about at present, followed by the Ukraine war (24%), the rise of the AfD (21%) and climate change (14%).

Polls show that the German public are increasingly putting climate action at the top of their policy priorities and remain strongly in support of the transition to a low-carbon and nuclear-free economy. The 2022 environmental Awareness Study by the Federal Environment Agency (UBArecently showed that while the vast majority (91%) of Germans support a climate and environment-friendly economic transformation, many worry that it the process would be exacerbate social inequity and threaten their own status.

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