19 May 2021, 13:34
Edgar Meza

U.S. climate envoy Kerry's efforts ahead of COP26 welcomed by German politicians


John Kerry, the U.S. presidential envoy for climate, called for greater global efforts in the fight against climate change during his visit to Berlin on Tuesday, German news agency dpa reports. Global warming, which in the worst-case scenario could result in a 4C temperature increase by the end of the century, is a "gigantic challenge," Kerry said. He added that the task of global climate protection can only be solved if all countries, including the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, pull together – something 45 percent of nations have not yet done – and that if the goals countries set themselves in the 2015 Paris Agreement are not consistently pursued then the world will be heading for a catastrophe. Kerry also argued that the COP26 world climate conference taking place in Glasgow in November is the “last, best hope” to get back on the right track. The former U.S. secretary of state travelled to Germany on Monday to meet with the country’s political leaders and discuss international climate protection policy. On Tuesday Kerry also met federal economy and energy minister Peter Altmaier, federal finance minister Olaf Scholz and several opposition leaders, in addition to federal foreign minister Heiko Maas. Kerry’s comments were well received in Berlin, with several political leaders welcoming the U.S.'s change of course in its efforts to strengthen climate protection on a global level. Altmaier praised the U.S.'s new 2030 emissions target and called for increased bilateral cooperation in energy transition and climate policy, particularly in the decarbonisation of industry. 

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