01 Apr 2019, 13:55
Benjamin Wehrmann

SPD leader calls for swift implementation of coal exit proposal

Rheinische Post

The leader of Germany’s governing Social Democrats (SPD), Andrea Nahles, has called for a quick implementation of the proposals made by the country’s coal exit commission, Jan Drebes writes in the Rheinische Post. “My expectation is that the (…) commission’s results will be implemented exactly as proposed,” Nahles said, adding that this meant laws for the structural economic development of affected coal regions would be introduced before summer.

The commission had proposed measures to prepare Germany’s coal exit by 2038 which, besides a phase-out roadmap for coal capacity, also included financial and regulatory support for regions which depend on coal-fired power production. Economy and energy minister Peter Altmaier, of the SPD’s government coalition partner, the conservative CDU/CSU alliance, is responsible for implementing the commission’s proposals. The German government has set up a so-called ‘climate cabinet’ consisting of ministers in charge of climate-relevant sectors and of chancellor Angela Merkel, which according to ministry papers seen by the Clean Energy Wire will hold its first meeting on 10 April.

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