14 Feb 2020, 13:14
Sören Amelang

Rhine countries agree measures to make river more climate-resilient

Clean Energy Wire

Eight European nations have agreed on a programme to make the river Rhine and its tributaries more climate-resilient. Germany, France, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and the Belgian region of Wallonia plan steps to reduce the risk of floods and mitigate the impact of extremely low water levels, Germany's environment ministry said in a press release. "With the new 'Rhine 2040' programme, the Rhine ministers are facing up to the effects of climate change," said minister Svenja Schulze. "The drought year 2018 was a clear warning of what we could be facing in the coming years. The availability of water is changing throughout the Rhine catchment area. Temperatures are rising. Only together can we meet these challenges."

Exceptionally high temperatures in northern Europe, drought and resulting low water levels in the Rhine River fuelled the climate change debate in Germany in 2018.

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Sören Amelang

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