14 Nov 2022, 12:19
Edgar Meza

Germany seeks climate cooperation and supply chain diversification in Asia

Clean Energy Wire

Germany is seeking to diversify supply chains and increase international cooperation on climate protection with Asian countries, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said during a visit to Vietnam on Sunday. On the same day, economy minister Robert Habeck agreed on a joint framework between Germany and Singapore that facilitates exchange on economic and business issues, as well as cooperation in the shift to climate neutrality. “We all know that it is necessary that we diversify our trade and supply chains, that we are not dependent on just one country,” Scholz said, speaking at a press conference. “In this new way of looking at the world, where we look at many countries, Asia is central, with the many emerging nations that are growing there and will play a significant role in the world to come.”

Scholz described Vietnam as “a partner on the issues that are important to us in terms of combating climate change, the energy transition, the use of renewable energy sources, but also in relation to resources and because there are many production and investment opportunities here.” Scholz also announced the start of a Vietnamese-German energy dialogue this year as a platform for exchange about the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition in both countries. Scholz noted that “Vietnam, with its long coastline and Mekong Delta, is one of the countries most affected by climate change in the world. We are also aware of our special responsibility with regard to the success of an energy transition and with regard to what needs to be done to support CO2 savings”. Scholz also said he hoped that the G7 and Vietnam would "soon be able to agree" the planned just energy transition partnership (JetP) to support the transition to a climate-friendly economy.

Speaking at the Asia-Pacific Conference (APC) of German Business in Singapore, Habeck described Singapore as “an innovation centre, investment location and gateway to other markets in the region, especially for the German economy.” He added, “Sustainability and innovation are two key areas of action to develop our respective strengths and become more robust." Scholz’s three-nation tour of Southeast Asia also includes stops in Singapore and Indonesia, where this week’s G-20 leaders’ summit takes place.

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