12 Dec 2022, 13:11
Carolina Kyllmann

Germany pledges €112 million for Kenya’s renewable and green hydrogen expansion

Clean Energy Wire

Germany has pledged at least 112 million euros to support Kenya in implementing “its ambitious goal of switching entirely to renewable energy sources by 2030,” the economic cooperation and development ministry (BMZ) announced. The ‘Climate and Development Partnership’ will focus on expanding renewable energies, the electricity grid and hydrogen production, as well as job creation. “Kenya is a particularly advanced country in the energy transition,” BMZ parliamentary state secretary Bärbel Kofler said. Ninety percent of its total power production comes from regenerative sources (mainly hydro, geothermal and wind power). Germany hopes to support Kenya in developing a green hydrogen economy. With a particularly high availability of renewable energies and a good infrastructure compared to other regions, “Kenya has favourable starting conditions and the potential to become a regional pioneer in this future technology,” according to the BMZ.

Germany signed a roadmap to support Kenya’s complete shift to renewable energy during the COP27 climate conference. The country now hopes to finalise details to “help Kenya with the necessary technical innovations, but also to encourage acceptance of the energy transition among the population,” Kofler said. In addition to expanding its green hydrogen infrastructure, a further focus will be placed on agriculture that can help the country to better cope with droughts, and on vocational training to create additional employment and income opportunities.

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