06 Apr 2022, 13:09
Sören Amelang

Germany must speed up green hydrogen scale-up in reaction to war – government advisors

Clean Energy Wire

Germany must accelerate the ramp-up of a hydrogen economy in response to Russia's aggressions to secure and diversify its energy supply, according to the hydrogen council (NWR), which advises the government. "The changed geopolitical situation due to the war in Ukraine makes it necessary to act quickly, decisively and flexibly in creating the necessary framework conditions for the hydrogen ramp-up," the council said. "In the medium term, hydrogen can contribute significantly to security of supply and diversification."

The council said both an ambitious ramp-up of the domestic hydrogen economy and more intensive efforts to quickly meet demand through necessary imports are needed. The advisors called on the government to decide still this year on the implementation of the measures necessary for the ramp-up of hydrogen technologies and the hydrogen market. In addition to the rapid expansion of renewable energies, the council called for a rapid and large-scale expansion of the infrastructure necessary for a hydrogen economy – "in view of the increased uncertainties, with a significantly larger precautionary component."

Hydrogen made with renewable electricity has emerged as a key stepping stone to reach net-zero climate targets. The climate-neutral gas now looks set to become the technology of choice to decarbonise sectors where emission reductions are particularly difficult, for example in heavy industry and aviation. As one of the key drivers behind a pan-European effort, Germany has set out to become a global leader in "tomorrow's oil" – not only to launch the next stages of its landmark energy transition, but also to secure a promising growth market for its internationally reputed industry.

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