22 Dec 2021, 12:42
Charlotte Nijhuis

German govt needs clear framework for energy transition by end of 2022 – RWE CEO


The new German government must quickly fill its ambitious energy transition plans with action, according to Markus Krebber, CEO of the country's largest energy company RWE. "Time is pressing," Krebber said in an interview with Handelsblatt. "If Germany wants to achieve the 2030 targets, it needs clarity on all relevant framework conditions by the end of next year." For example, he said, it must be clarified quickly how the expansion of renewable energies and the approval procedures for the grids will be accelerated in concrete terms, and more clarity is also needed on how the hydrogen economy will be built up and supply security will be ensured. Industrial companies are already cutting back on production to keep electricity supply and demand in balance, he said. "If that becomes the rule, we risk creeping deindustrialization," Krebber said.

In its coalition agreement, the new German government agreed to pull forward the country's coal exit "ideally" to 2030 from 2038, and rapidly speed up the lagging rollout of renewables.

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