19 Jul 2022, 14:23
Hannah Naylor

Egypt to supply Germany with gas, agrees hydrogen partnership

General Anzeiger

Egypt’s president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi pledged to assist Germany’s move towards independence from Russia by supplying natural gas and agreed on a green hydrogen partnership during a meeting with  German chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, newspaper General Anzeiger reported. Scholz stressed the importance of moving away from fossil fuels and reiterated that Germany aims to be one of the first climate-neutral industrialised nations. Meanwhile, Egypt’s al-Sisi said he is looking to make the UN climate conference COP27, in November in Sharm el-Sheikh a success, adding he wanted to make Egypt a “hub for renewable energy.”

The agreement between Egypt and Germany follows NGO calls for Scholz to increase the federal budget for climate finance, and show that Germany is accelerating its transition to renewable energy in response to the ongoing gas crisis and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. German chancellor Scholz has been visiting countries across Africa in recent months in an effort to source fossil fuels, particularly gas, from elsewhere amongst uncertainties regarding Russian supplies.

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