31 Jan 2025, 09:30

CLEW Guide – Poland's new govt yet to deliver on energy transition promises

Poland's energy supply still heavily depends on fossil fuels, with coal the biggest and most visible burden for its climate footprint. The eastern European political heavyweight plans to gradually phase it out, replacing it with a mix of renewables and nuclear generation, but – at the same time – remains the only country in the EU without a set end date to complete that task. The energy crisis ensuing Russia's war in Ukraine, however, has prompted Poland to accelerate the move away from coal and to increase renewables capacity. The new government following the 2023 elections promised an even more ambitious energy transition, but has yet to deliver the necessary policy and legislation. [UPDATES to January 2025]
Demonstrations in Warsaw/Poland, Summer 2023. Credit: Grand-Warszawski, Shutterstock
Demonstrations in Warsaw/Poland, Summer 2023. Credit: Grand-Warszawski, Shutterstock

With its “CLEW Guide” series, the Clean Energy Wire newsroom and contributors from across Europe are providing journalists with a bird's-eye view of the climate-friendly transition from key countries and the bloc as a whole. You can also sign up to the weekly newsletter here to receive our "Dispatch from..." – weekly updates from Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland and the EU on the need-to-know about the continent’s move to climate neutrality.

(With contributions by Alicja Ptak and Wojciech Jakóbik)



  1. Key background
  2. Major transition stories
  3. Sector overview


Key background

  • Since the October 2023 parliamentary elections, Poland has been led by a broad, pro-European centre left to centre right coalition. The government, headed by former European Council president Donald Tusk, is made up of Tusk’s Civic Coalition (30.7%), the Third Way alliance (14.4%) and the Left alliance (8.6%). It has pledged to accelerate the country’s energy transition. However, almost a year later it still has not delivered much in terms of legislation or new initiatives. A partial update to the National Energy and Climate Plan (mandated by the EU) has been presented and was the subject of public consultation. Although climate-focused NGOs welcomed the release of the plan, they criticised Poland’s hesitance to choose a more ambitious reform path in an open letter to the climate ministry. The plan is expected to be approved by the end of this year.
  • Poland was responsible for about 11 percent of the EU’s total GHG emissions in 2022. Carbon emissions have fallen over 30 percent since peaking in the 1980s. Most of the reductions occurred in the 1990s during the fall of communism and the shift from an industrial planned economy. Emission levels have not changed significantly since 2001. Poland's current greenhouse gas emission reduction target in the EU for 2030 (for domestic transport, buildings, agriculture, small industry and waste) is 17.7 percent compared to 2005. It is far less than in countries like Germany or Denmark (50%), but Poland's total emissions in 2022 were just two percent below 2005 levels.
  • In 2023, Poland saw a significant drop in the share of coal in its electricity mix, from 70 percent the previous year to 61 percent. In the first half of 2024, the country increased its share of electricity generated from renewables to more than 28 percent. But even with the rise in renewables, electricity generation remains strongly reliant on coal. Poland’s power sector has the highest carbon intensity in the European Union, making the coal phase-out a key challenge. Moreover, Poland is the only country in the EU that does not have an official date for ending coal power use. The country’s energy sector is dominated by big, state-owned or partially state-owned companies, like the oil corporation Orlen or Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE), an energy company that owns coal plants and mines.
  • Poland has managed to diversify its gas, oil and coal supplies, after being heavily reliant on imports from Russia. In 2023, subsidies were put in place to keep gas and electricity prices down - but this cost the state tens of billions of euros. The new government has extended the subsidies into the first half of 2024 and introduced new measures to keep prices lower in the second half of the year (increased price cap and target subsidy). Poland’s parliament voted to extend the price freeze again until the end of September 2025.
  • Poland is preparing for an fresh increase in the number of refugees from Ukraine in winter 2024/25, as its neighbour faces increasing damage to its energy infrastructure targeted by the Russian invaders.
  • Air pollution is a major public health concern, fuelled not just by cars, but also by furnaces, as no other EU country uses nearly as much coal for heating.
Graph shows Poland's greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990-2021. Graph: CLEW.
Graph: CLEW/Narawad.

Major transition stories

Sector overview

Graph shows Poland's energy consumption by source 1990-2022. Graph: CLEW.
Graph: CLEW/Narawad.


  • Responsible for 50.1 percent of total GHG emissions in 2022.
  • In 2023, coal was the main source of electricity (61%). It remained the largest proportion by far in the EU, despite the significant drop from 70 percent in 2022. Wind and solar rose from almost 16 percent to 21 percent and renewables in total reached around a quarter. In the first half of 2024, their share rose to 28 percent, according to power grid operator PSE.
  • The lignite plant PGE Bełchatów is the EU's highest emitting power plant, but now it has a plan to close down gradually until 2036 (with a 77% reduction until 2030).
  • Poland plans a gradual phase-out of coal, replacing it with a mix of renewables and nuclear generation. New fossil gas plants are also to be built, but some plans have been revised after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • In 2021, Poland adopted the Energy policy of Poland until 2040 (PEP2040) programme with the following main targets: 32 percent of renewables in electricity generation and no more than 56 percent of power from coal by 2030, and the first nuclear power plant starting operation in 2033. The plan has been criticised by NGOs and parliamentary opposition as “unrealistic.” Donald Tusk’s government, ruling since December 2023, is working on an update to the document, expected to be presented in the second half of 2024.
  • In a draft update of Poland’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), put to public consultation in September, the climate ministry outlined an “ambitious” transition scenario for 2030: 50.4 percent GHG reduction (compared to 1990); 56 percent of electricity generated from renewables sources; and the share of coal-fired power generation falling to 22 percent (from 61 in 2023). Following the consultation period 25 climate-focused NGOs called on Poland to commit to the more ambitious scenario and not settle for “an unspecified compromise”. The document is expected to be finished and sent to Brussels before the end of this year.
  • According to electric grid operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne, the installed capacity of photovoltaic panels and wind farms reached a combined 30.8 GW in October 2024, of which around 20 GW are PV. Since the start of the year, wind and solar capacity has risen by about 4 GW. In 2014, total capacity was only around 3 GW.
  • According to the think tank Forum Energii, coal’s share of electricity production fell to a record low of 48 percent in September 2024, while renewables’ share reached a record 36.8 percent. In October, however, the share of electricity production from coal rose to 52.3 percent amid unfavourable renewables conditions. CO2 emissions in the energy sector decreased by almost 20 percent year-on-year. At the beginning of the decade, coal was responsible for about 90 percent of electricity production in Poland.





Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)

  • Forests and other areas remain a carbon sink and removed 35,6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2022. Around 30 percent of Poland is covered by forest (a number similar to countries like France or Germany) and around 80 percent of them are state owned and managed by a special public company, State Forests National Forest Holding. In 2022 State Forest had a record income of 13.5 billion PLN (~€3.1 bln) from selling wood. In recent years, the company has come under criticism from NGOs and private citizens for a number of issues, from lack of transparency to logging in old-growth forests. The Donald Tusks government is working on reforming the institution and protecting 20 percent of forest. 
  • The level of CO2 removal by forests has been decreasing over the last decade, with a sharp fall in recent years (from over 40 million tonnes to just over 20 million tonnes). According to Poland's emissions report, the main reasons are due to the long-term effects of disasters like permanent drought and storms with strong wind causing trees to fall. Timber harvesting is also on the rise.
  • The former United Right government has been pointing to forest sequestration as a climate solution, including during COP24 in Poland; but sequestration levels have been falling and in 2021 it amounted to only 52 percent of Poland’s target for 2030. A solution proposed by the State Forestry organisation to counter this problem has had a marginal effect.
  • The United Right government and the State Forests have criticised the EU Nature Restoration Law and other EU projects aimed at improving forest protection. The new government replaced State Forest director and United Right politician Józef Kubica. The new leadership promises to pay more attention to environmental issues and social demands in regard to forests. In one of the first decisions of the climate ministry under the new government, logging was temporarily halted or reduced in 1.3 percent of forests with environmental and social significance.
  • The new ruling coalition also wants to create Poland’s first new national parks in over two decades, as well as expand existing ones. It notes national parks cover only 1.1 percent of Poland’s land area compared to an EU average of 3.7 percent.

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