15 Apr 2021, 14:27
Kerstine Appunn

European transmission grid operators plan to connect offshore wind platforms

Seven European transmission grid operators (TSO) have launched an initiative for interconnecting offshore wind platforms across Europe. The aim of “Eurobar” is to securely and efficiently integrate offshore wind power into the European power grid by striving for standardisation of interfaces and technology, reducing the environmental impact and interconnecting offshore wind clusters, co-signatory Amprion said in a press release.

The EU’s target of becoming climate neutral by the middle of the century brings with it an increased need for renewable electricity across the whole continent. Projections by the European Commission see a need for 300 GW of installed offshore wind capacity (in 2020: 12 GW), but this also comes with the challenge of transmitting the power from the seas to industrial hubs and households across Europe. Experts say the European power grid needs to become much more integrated and connected if a system largely based on fluctuating renewable energies is to run efficiently. The Eurobar initiative’s mission is to develop and implement a joint approach for offshore infrastructure systems connecting the future offshore capacities to Europe’s transmission system.

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