More frugal power use could lower German household emissions by 15 million tonnes - report
Clean Energy Wire
German households could cut CO2 emissions by a combined 15 million tonnes and save around 10 billion euros by using electricity more sparingly, according to a consumption data analysis funded by the environment ministry (BMU). "For an average two-person household in an apartment building, the potential savings are 320 euros and 470 kilograms of CO2 per year," the ministry said in a press release. In a detached house, potential savings – for example by switching off gadgets instead of running them on standby, and exchanging old washing machines and fridges – add up to 410 euros, according to the analysis.
The analysis was conducted by non-profit consultancy co2online, which used data from almost 300,000 households, and is supported by a broad alliance of consumer groups, industry associations, and think tanks. It aims to encourage consumers to compare their electricity use with comparable households. "Saving energy in buildings is the be-all and end-all of climate protection - even in a pandemic. This applies to both electricity and heating," said co2online head Tanja Loitz.