07 Mar 2019, 13:36
Benjamin Wehrmann

Scientists take a stance on school strikes for climate but could do more – opinion


The coming petition by hundreds of German scientists who openly support the school student movement Fridays for Future that calls for more rapid climate action is a laudable initiative - but it can only be a first step for broader support for more climate action, Bernhard Pötter writes in an opinion piece for the Tageszeitung (taz). So far, the researchers who gathered under the label ‘Scientists for Future’ have not taken a real risk, Pötter says. While the youngsters miss classes, organise protests and face negative remarks on their school certificate, “the scientists so far settle for giving their autograph”. The researchers could become more vocal in calling for concrete measures like a CO2-tax, or abstain from participating in government advisory boards until a climate action law has been agreed. “This would be a clear sign that things cannot go on as they are,” Pötter says, arguing that this might also help to encourage other groups to join the school students, “which could bring us ‘Artists for Future’, ‘Athletes for Future’, ‘Business for Future’, and, who knows, maybe even one day ‘Politicians for Future’”.

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