10 Dec 2018, 13:54
Benjamin Wehrmann

Most Germans unconvinced UN will be able to solve climate crisis


The UN is unlikely to find a solution to the world’s climate crisis, most Germans believe according to a survey commissioned by the public broadcaster ARD. In the survey, conducted by pollster infratest dimap among 1,002 people, 85 percent said it was “unlikely” or “highly unlikely” that the UN will be able to find adequate solutions to curb global warming. At the same time, 92 percent of respondents said the expansion of renewable energy sources is the most effective measure to limit carbon emissions, and 90 percent said industrial companies should be given stricter rules for environmental protection. About two-thirds of those surveyed also said that an accelerated coal exit and higher prices for air travel would be effective measures for climate action. Only about a quarter said making cars and fuel more expensive would help.

Find the survey results in German here.

Get background in the CLEW factsheet Polls reveal citizens’ support for Energiewende.

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