30 Nov 2018, 15:06
Julian Wettengel

Germany alone can’t save the climate, but must push others – opinion


While it is clear that Germany alone is not able to save the global climate, the government could initiate debates, push others, and forge alliances that would end up saving more emissions elsewhere in the world than at home, writes Silke Kersting in an opinion piece in the Handelsblatt. However, the government lacks the necessary willingness and drive, writes Kersting. “The fact that the CDU is trying to nip in the bud the necessary debate on the usefulness of a possible CO₂ tax, saying that the topic is not in the coalition agreement, is an example of this unwillingness,” she writes.

Find the opinion piece (behind paywall) in German here.

For background, read CLEW’s two-part interview with state secretary Flasbarth New business mindset bolsters Paris Agreement - German official and Just transition in Germany could help counter populism - state sec.

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