04 Mar 2025, 13:31
Julian Wettengel

Next German govt must continue decarbonisation of heating – industry alliance

Clean Energy Wire

Germany’s next coalition government should push to decarbonise the country’s heating systems, said a wide alliance of sector associations in a joint appeal. The organisations called for “clarity”, “reliability” and “a coherent strategy for a sustainable heat supply,” to ensure that people, heating sector businesses and the energy industry have planning and investment security.

The alliance included energy industry association BDEW, the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH) and the German Association of Local Utilities (VKU), among others. The organisations said that more than half of final energy use in Germany went towards heating buildings and industrial processes, so a climate-neutral heat supply is crucial for meeting climate targets.

“The switch to a climate-neutral heat supply and the associated CO2 reductions represent one of the greatest social and economic challenges of our time,” said the appeal. They called for a reform of the Building Energy Act – which in part stipulates the move to cleaner modes of heating – to lower bureaucracy and create “understandable requirements for building owners.”

Intense debates over the controversial law to help transition away from fossil fuel sources of heating shaped the last legislative period and campaigns leading up to Germany’s snap election on 23 February. The Building Energy Act needs to be reformed in any case, said the organisations, as new EU rules must be translated into national law.

Cutting heating emissions has become urgent – Germany is already set to miss the corresponding 2030 climate targets as it continues to rely on fossil fuel boilers, while energy-saving renovations proceed at a glacial pace.

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