18 Dec 2024, 13:06
Carolina Kyllmann

2024 hottest year on record in Germany – meteorological service

Clean Energy Wire

Temperatures in Germany will this year be the hottest since records began for the third consecutive year, the country’s weather service DWD said. "Never since the end of the 19th century has it been as warm in Germany as in 2024," DWD board member Tobias Fuchs said. "The consequences of ever-increasing global warming will affect us with more frequent and more intense extreme weather events."

The year 2023 – at an average temperature of 10.6 degrees Celsius, 1.3°C higher than the reference period 1991 to 2020 – had already been the warmest in Germany since records began in 1881. The previous year of 2022, meanwhile, was tied with 2018 for the record. The meteorological service will publish its official report on the year's temperatures on 30 December.

This year is also set to be the warmest globally – beating 2023 – and the first where temperatures averaged more than 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, EU climate change service Copernicus reported. Globally, 2023 was recognised as the hottest year since the start of weather data collection.

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