03 Jul 2024, 13:19
Jack McGovan

Germany and Poland agree to collaborate closely on energy and security

rbb / Clean Energy Wire

Germany and Poland have agreed on a 40 page action plan for the countries to collaborate more closely on issues like energy and security, reports rbb24. The announcement comes after German chancellor Olaf Scholz and ministers travelled to Warsaw for the first government consultation between the countries in six years. On the point of energy, Scholz and Polish prime minister Donald Tusk agreed on a reliable supply of oil to Poland from the PCK refinery in Schwedt, Germany. The decision was made due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the impact that has had on Europe’s energy supply. Other points agreed on are the construction of a high-speed rail connection between Berlin and Warsaw, the establishment of a German-Polish working group for energy and climate, and the goal to make industry more climate-friendly without affecting competitiveness.

“We will work more closely with one another to protect the climate and strengthen Germany and Poland as locations for climate-friendly technologies,” said Scholz in a press conference. Steffi Lemke, the German environmental minister, welcomed the action plan and referred especially to the agreement to protect the Oder river. “I welcome the plans for the creation of a national park on the Polish side and offer our help,” she said.

One of the other core points of the action plan is security, with both governments highlighting Russia as the biggest and “most immediate” threat to peace in Europe. Part of the action plan will include further sanctions on Russia, support for Ukraine, and collaboration on military logistics. The two countries also agreed to share their experiences in coal mining regions transitioning away from the fuel. German and French MPs called earlier this year for a trilateral energy transition with Poland, as under Tusk’s premiership hopes increased for more effective collaboration on issues like climate.

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