18 Nov 2022, 13:23
Sören Amelang

Germany to build its first green ammonia import terminal in Hamburg

Clean Energy Wire

Germany’s first terminal for the import of green hydrogen and its derivatives will be built in the northern port city of Hamburg. Economy minister Robert Habeck said the terminal is set to start operating in 2026, and will be ready to import green ammonia from Saudi Arabia. "Today's decision to build a terminal for the import of green ammonia is a milestone for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Germany and a strong signal for the entire hydrogen market in Germany and Europe,” Habeck said. He added the plant will diversify Germany’s energy supply, while helping to decarbonise the country’s industry and power stations.

After landing at the Port of Hamburg, most of the green ammonia will be converted into pure hydrogen and distributed to end users by the company Air Products, which will also produce the ammonia in Saudi Arabia. Hydrogen and its derivatives like ammonia are considered crucial for decarbonising sectors where fossil fuels can’t be replaced by renewable electricity directly in many applications, such as industry and aviation.

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