21 Dec 2021, 13:04
Edgar Meza

Germans spend low share of income on energy bills in EU comparison

Clean Energy Wire

Germans spend a much lower share of their income on energy bills than many other EU citizens, according to the German Economic Institute (IW). German households pay just over 9 percent of their average monthly income for energy, on par with consumers in neighbouring France and the Netherlands. In contrast, Bulgarian households spend more than 25 percent on electricity, gas and petrol. Greeks and Hungarians share second place at 20 percent. The share is lowest in Luxembourg with just 4 percent. The IW notes that its latest report is based on figures from the first half of the year, and therefore does not reflect the recent increases in gas prices.

German industry is also struggling with rising energy prices. Chemical sector association VCI said in October that the European Commission’s proposals to fight the energy price crisis in Europe were not enough to help energy-intensive companies through the crunch.

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