16 Jan 2019, 13:35
Benjamin Wehrmann

Siemens-Gamesa’s new 10 MW turbine enables offshore wind power output boost

Clean Energy Wire

German-Spanish wind turbine manufacturer Siemens-Gamesa has unveiled its most powerful offshore turbine to date, increasing annual power production by almost a third compared to its previous model. The turbine SG 10.0-193 DD prototype, with a capacity of 10 MW and a rotor diameter of 193 metres, will be erected in 2019, the company said in a press release. The model will be ready for commercial use by 2022. Production will initially take place at the Siemens-Gamesa plant in the northern German city of Cuxhaven. A single turbine of Siemens-Gamesa’s latest product series produces enough power to supply up to 10,000 European households, the company says.
Offshore wind is a cornerstone of Germany's envisaged power production mix of the future, and accounted for about 2.7 percent of the country’s electricity generation in 2017. In order to meet its 2030 renewable power production goals, the German government is considering increasing planned 2030 offshore capacity from 15 to 20 gigawatts. 

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