07 Oct 2021, 12:17
Julian Wettengel

Greens co-leader calls for speedy coalition talks to create new German “climate government”

Clean Energy Wire / Dlf

Green Party co-leader Annalena Baerbock has called for speedy coalition talks with election winner SPD and the pro-business FDP to make the next German government a “climate government”. In an interview with public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk (Dlf) ahead of today’s start of the three-way talks, Baerbock said the urgency of the climate crisis has become more than clear in past months. She said the talks with the two possible partners would not be easy - partly because “FDP and we Greens have been far apart [on climate] so far”. However, a cooperation also presented a big opportunity to “create a new dynamic” in Germany and Europe. As the world would not wait for Germany and challenges had to be tackled swiftly, talks had to “move forward constructively and quickly”, said Baerbock.

Social Democrats, Greens and FDP met in Berlin today (7 October) for first three-way talks to sound out the chances for a possible government alliance. Should these talks succeed, representatives from the parties could then enter official coalition negotiations to hammer out an agreement that is likely to have a large focus on climate and energy transition policy. Germany is heading towards a three-party federal government with a significant climate action focus as the Social Democrats scored a thin victory, the Greens reached their best result ever while the long-ruling conservatives slumped to their worst result in the federal elections. Coalition talks could last for months and the current government under Chancellor Angela Merkel would be asked to continue to carry out its duties until then.

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