26 Jan 2021, 12:05
Charlotte Nijhuis

Germany provides extra 220 million euros for climate adaptation in poorest countries

Clean Energy Wire

Germany will provide an additional 120 million euros in financial aid to support developing countries in adapting to the consequences of climate change, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Monday during the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021. Germany will also provide another 100 million euros for the fund for the least developed countries, Merkel said in a video message during the summit. "To counteract climate change and its consequences, we must pull together worldwide,” Merkel said. Germany is “pitching in”, she added. In December of last year, Germany already committed to providing 50 million euros to the Adaptation Fund, to improve developing countries' access to climate-related financing.

German development minister Gerd Müller said the additional 220 million euros in aid are an “important signal”. He emphasised that greater efforts are needed for poorer countries to adapt to the consequences of climate change. "We are making too little progress in climate protection worldwide. In addition to CO2 reduction, we must also invest in climate adaptation measures in the hardest-hit countries,” Müller said in a ministry press release. Adaptation measures include, for example, preparing farmers by developing climate-resilient crops or expanding coastal protection.

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