11 Oct 2022, 14:10
Julian Wettengel

Germany to continue push for 1.5°C goal amid energy crisis – foreign min Baerbock

Clean Energy Wire

Germany aims to keep the Paris Climate Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C within reach, even as the energy crisis in Europe puts a focus on fossil fuels in the short term, said foreign minister Annalena Baerbock at the Berlin Climate and Security Conference. “Russia’s war against Ukraine and its attacks on European energy security have not weakened our resolved push for the 1.5° goal – on the contrary,” said Baerbock. While the country has, for example, revived coal power plants to ensure supply security, this is only be for a limited period of time, and the government is doubling down on energy efficiency and renewables at the same time, she added.

“The climate crisis is hitting with ever greater force: it harms, it kills and it displaces,” Baerbock said, highlighting the connection between climate change and security around the world. She said that Russia’s war against Ukraine had put the spotlight on the connection, as the disruption of grain exports from the region worsened the climate-induced food crisis in other parts of the world. “The climate crisis is the biggest security challenge the international community faces in the 21st century,” said Baerbock.

At the conference, organised by the foreign office and think tank adelphi, Germany and other countries launched the Climate for Peace initiative. The G7 under the leadership of the German presidency decided to set up the initiative at a foreign minister meeting earlier in 2022, aiming to promote, coordinate and advance concrete projects on the ground and ensure climate security is a local and national priority. Its members include the G7 and countries such as Norway, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia and Indonesia. After talking about the nexus of climate and security for 10 years, the initiative is meant to ensure “that we move from studies and discussion into action,” said Jennifer Lee Morgan, state secretary and special envoy for international climate action.

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