German ISS astronaut calls for climate action in message to future grandchildren
In a moving message to his future grandchildren, German ISS commander Alexander Gerst appealed to humanity to finally get its act together on climate change. “Right now, it looks like we – my generation – are not going to leave this planet in its best condition for you,” says Gerst, who returned to earth early this morning. “Of course, in retrospect, many people will say they weren’t aware of what we were doing. But in reality, we humans know that right now we’re polluting the planet with carbon dioxide, we're making the climate reach the tipping point, we’re clearing forests, we’re polluting the oceans with garbage, we’re consuming the limited resources far too quickly, and we’re waging mostly pointless wars. And every one of us has to take a good look at themselves and think about where this is leading. I very much hope for our own sake that we can still get our act together and improve a few things. And I hope that we won’t be remembered by you as the generation that selfishly and ruthlessly destroyed your livelihood.”
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