07 Apr 2022, 13:28
Kerstine Appunn

German economy ministry publishes advice to save energy in households

Clean Energy Wire

After keeping pleas to the public to use less energy to a minimum amid the Ukraine war and the ensuing energy crisis so far, the German government has published efficieny advice for households on its existing efficiency campaign website. Households in Germany cover around 60 percent of their energy needs with natural gas, oil and coal, the economy and climate ministry (BMWK) said. To reach the goal of climate neutrality and gain independence from fossil fuel deliveries, “the best kind of energy is the one we do not consume in the first place”, the ministry said on the efficiency campaign website. Around one fifth of Germany’s gas demand could be reduced with comparatively little effort and would at the same time help to reduce heating and electricity bills amid rising prices. “Never before has it been so important to use energy sensibly and sparingly and to reduce consumption. Because every contribution counts,” the website said. Advice to households on the website include shorter showers, efficient shower heads, smart airing of rooms, cooking and baking on lower temperatures and reducing the room temperature by one degree, which can save six percent of heating energy.

In March 2022, Germany’s government decided a wide-ranging relief package to help shield citizens from rising energy costs exacerbated by Russia’s war against Ukraine. Many German citizens have declared in surveys that they would be willing to live with the consequences of an embargo on Russian energy imports, including a gas supply shortage. However, the government is convinced that a too early exit from Russian fossil fuels would lead to a sharp economic downturn, including mass unemployment and many businesses going bankrupt or turning their back on the country.

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