30 Jan 2025, 13:39
Carolina Kyllmann

Future German prosperity hangs on climate protection – env organisations

Clean Energy Wire

The absence of climate mitigation measures is the greatest threat to prosperity and security in Germany and Europe, a group of environmental organisations said in a joint statement. Europe's largest economy must drive forward the move to climate neutrality with the right framework and funding conditions in order to strengthen its economy, the organisations which include Germanwatch, Greenpeace, NABU and WWF said.

"The attempt to cling to the business models of the last few decades for as long as possible, instead of courageously investing in the future, is a declaration of climate and economic bankruptcy," they wrote in a policy paper outlining fields of action for the next German government ahead of the 23 February federal elections. The NGOs called for the next government to prioritise the expansion of renewable energy; to stay course on the transition to cleaner heating; to focus on electric vehicles instead of synthetic fuels, for example; and to enable future investments, also from the private sector.

Climate mitigation has only played a subordinate role in the election campaign, the organisations said, adding that when debates on the topic did come up, the economic costs of inaction were ignored and no distinction was made between additional and already necessary climate protection investments. "The competitiveness of the German and European economies depends on resilient energy systems and stable, affordable prices," said Sascha Müller-Kraenner, head of environmental NGO Environmental Action Germany (DUH).

Germany's economy is expected to stagnate in 2025. The weakness of the country’s large industrial base has become a campaign focus. Some opposition policymakers blame exaggerated climate policies for the troubles at sector giants like VW and many energy-intensive companies. But most experts and businesses agree that the new government must push forward industry decarbonisation despite tight budgets in close cooperation with the EU. A delay would only put long-term competitiveness in future markets at risk, they warn.

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