22 Aug 2019, 13:53
Julian Wettengel

Entrepreneur initiative calls for fast, effective CO₂ price, will join global climate strike

Clean Energy Wire / Frankfurter Rundschau

A German business initiative called "Entrepreneurs for Future" will join the global climate strike on 20 September and call for a price on CO₂ emissions with the slogan "No exceptions, fast introduction, effective amount", reports Steffen Herrmann in Frankfurter Rundschau. In a press release, the initiative with 2,300 participants said that many businesses will close shops and offices on the day of the strike to make it possible for employees to join.

The Fridays for Future student movement calls for a global climate strike on 20 September, and plans protests in more than 100 German towns and cities. Many NGOs, scientists and other groups such as Germany's service sector labour union Verdi have also announced they will support the strike. It takes place on a decisive day for Germany’s climate policy - Chancellor Angela Merkel’s so-called climate cabinet convenes that day to take far-reaching decisions.

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