18 Sep 2019, 12:21
Julian Wettengel

Countries could surpass pledged emissions cuts with help from cities, regions and businesses – report

Clean Energy Wire

Climate commitments made by cities, regions and businesses could push some of the world's biggest economies to over-achieve their emissions reduction goals under the Paris Climate Agreement, says a report compiled by the NewClimate Institute, the German Development Institute (DIE) and others. In the European Union, the implementation of recorded and quantified individual commitments made by cities, regions and companies could lead to an emissions reduction of up to 48 percent by 2030, write the authors in a press release. The EU currently aims for at least 40 percent emissions reduction by that date.

Energy transitions around the world are national projects, but implementation often takes place at the local level. Urban centres are where much of any country’s energy is distributed and consumed. As the German energy transition expands its focus from the power sector to heating, buildings and mobility, population centres will be where crucial changes take place. Germany will only meet its climate targets if localities implement their own energy transitions, which can also bring economic benefits for them.

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