27 Nov 2019, 13:50
Benjamin Wehrmann

Climate strikes announced in more than 500 German cities on eve of UN climate conference

Clean Energy Wire

More than 500 German cities will see protests for more ambitious climate action on Friday, 29 November, the activist movement Fridays for Future Germany has announced. The activists said global climate strikes will take place in more than 150 countries on the eve of the UN climate conference COP25 in Madrid and call on Germany's government to review its climate action package and aim for a more rapid end of coal-fired power production. "A tax law from Germany's finance ministry is supposed to be the government coalition's answer to the greatest crisis of our time," the acitivists said, arguing that Germany's delegation would travel to the COP "empty handed."

The Fridays for Future climate strikes that were inspired by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg gained a large followership in Germany and has already had a substantial impact on the country's climate debate. Next Friday will see the 50th climate strike in Germany in a row, the organisers said. Germany's government has said the conference in Madrid must lead to greater commitments from the world's industrialised nations to curb their greenhouse gas emissions.

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