07 Oct 2024, 10:53

In brief | 7 October '24

Bruegel: Europe’s 2040 climate target: four critical risks and how to manage them

Achieving target will require massive expansion of renewable electricity generation, drastic reductions in fossil-fuel use, energy efficiency measures and deep electrification of end-use sectors.

The Globe and Mail: ‘Hype’ meets reality as Canada’s plans to export hydrogen to Germany stall

Canada’s efforts to establish a green hydrogen supply chain with European countries are being delayed by a supply-demand mismatch and the largest wave of global inflation in decades, hurdles that will see it fail in its goal to export hydrogen to Germany by 2025.

Reuters: BP abandons goal to cut oil output, resets strategy

BP has abandoned target to cut oil and gas output by 2030 as CEO Auchincloss scales back firm's energy transition strategy to regain investor confidence, sources tell Reuters.

Bruno Burger (Fraunhofer ISE): Solar and wind power plants in Poland  generated 32.2 TWh of electricity in the first three quarters of 2024

This is 23.4 percent more than in the first three quarters of 2023 and 4.6 times as much as in the first three quarters of 2015.

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Sven Egenter

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