28 Oct 2024, 12:00

In brief | 28 October '24

WMO: Record-breaking greenhouse gas levels surged again in 2023

World Metorological Organisation's lastest stocktake finds CO2 levels have increased by more than 10% in just two decades.

Eurostat: Germany has highest electricity prices including taxes for households in EU

Prices in the first semester of 2024 were 39.5 euros per 100 kWh, followed by 37.4 euros in for households in Ireland.

Reuters: German finance minister will soon announce his proposals to boost growth

Minister Lindner said his own proposals to stimulate growth in Europe's biggest economy will not focus only on industry.

ECFR: China’s trade challenges for the European economy

Think tank's podcast discusses EU sanctions' implications and Germany’s objection to EV tariffs on China.

Bloomberg: Climate activism is no longer a young person’s game

A growing number of retirees are getting in on the climate fight, and they’re not afraid of getting arrested, writes Bloomberg.

The Guardian: Carbon emissions of richest 1% increase hunger, poverty and deaths, says Oxfam

Consumption of world’s wealthiest people also making it increasingly difficult to limit global heating to 1.5C, NGO finds.

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Sören Amelang

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