17 Nov 2020, 14:02
Charlotte Nijhuis

Elderly Germans more willing to live sustainably than younger ones - survey

Clean Energy Wire

The majority of Germans are willing to adopt a more sustainable behaviour, a study conducted by the Wuppertal Institute in cooperation with online market provider eBay Kleinanzeigen shows. However, the study found a clear difference between generations: older people are more willing to adopt a sustainable behaviour than young people. Sixty percent of Germans assume that the importance of sustainable action will increase and almost a third (31%) have already changed their own behaviour as a result of media reports on climate change and sustainability, with older respondents clearly showing a greater willingness to conserve resources. Two-thirds of the 60 to 65-year-olds say they regularly make sure to conserve resources, whereas only 43 percent of 19 to 29-year-olds do so. When it comes to making concessions in their consumption behaviour, 61 percent of respondents over 60 are willing to do so, compared to only 54 percent of 19 to 29-year-olds.

Generational differences in the attitude towards environmental protection have been a constant cause for debate in Germany, not least since the Fridays for Future climate protest movement that was largely carried by school students elevated the topic to the top of the public debate in the past two years.

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