27 Mar 2015, 00:00
Ruby Russell

In the media: EU takes Germany to court over Moorburg power plant

European Commission

“Commission refers Germany to Court over coal power plant in Moorburg”

The European Commission is taking Germany to court over its newly open Moorburg power plant near Hamburg, saying the project failed to comply with the EU Flora and Fauna Habitats Directive and puts a number of protected fish species at risk.

See the press release in English here.


Agora Energiewende

“French capacity market lowers prices on the German power exchange”

A new study commissioned by Berlin think tank Agora Energiewende* has found that France’s decision to introduce a capacity market, which will limit peak prices at times of power scarcity, could also benefit German consumers. But it could also mean German power stations lose out on profits, and raises questions over whether German power stations taking part in the French capacity market will be available to supply sufficient power at home. This is yet another indication of the need for coordinated European energy policy, Agora concludes.

See the study in English here



“Gabriel advertises wealth and jobs" 

Economics and Energy Minster Sigmar Gabriel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier opened the Energiewende conference in Berlin saying the switch to renewable power will not only bring safer and healthier lives, but wealth and jobs, Euractiv reports, with research and innovation playing a key role as German businesses develop technology that can be exported for cleaner energy production around the world. Steinmeier also stressed that sustainable energy would contribute to political independence by reducing dependence on imports, the article says.

See the article in German here and in English here.



 “Coal controversy: We have to get through this”

Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) defended plans to charge older power stations for emissions exceeding a certain level in parliament on Thursday, saying the measure was necessary to reduce CO2 emissions and hit Germany's 2020 climate targets, Tagesspiegel reports. The minister added that he did not want to demolish the coal industry. While some voices from the CDU party - the SPD's senior partner in the ruling coalition - lamented the impact of a “coal exit” on industry, others called for structural programmes to protect citizens of coal-mining regions from social hardship and prepare for the post-coal age. The Greens demanded the shut-down of coal-powered plants.

See the article in German here.



 “Then the power price rises”

The head of the German Federation of German Industries has warned that government plans to charge older power stations for emissions exceeding a certain level will push up power prices, dpa reports. “With this model, the electricity price will clear rise for private and industrial consumers,” Ulrich Grillo told the agency. “We will put many thousands of jobs at risk.”

See the article in German here.



“SolarWorld will continue upward trend in 2015”

German solar manufacturer SolarWorld has presented its 2014 annual group report, saying shipments of solar power modules and kits rose 55 percent, with strong growth in the US, France, the UK and Japan. “In the declining German solar market, the company registered gains in its core business, the sale of modules and kits without large-scale turnkey projects,” the company added in a statement. SolarWorld, which came close to bankruptcy in recent years, is forecasting still stronger growth for this year. Shipments in first quarter of 2015 increased by more than 30 percent compared with previous year’s quarter, it said, and revenue is expected to exceed 700 million euros in 2015.

See the press release here.



EU agreement on negotiations for CO2 market reform

EU leaders have agreed on a mandate for negotiations of reform of the European emissions trading system (EU ETS). The negotiations will aim for reform by 2021. The German environment ministry called for faster implementation of a stabilising mechanism to strengthen the ailing scheme.

See the press release in German here.


German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)

“The Market Stability Reserve: Is Europe serious about the Energy Union?”

The German Institute for Economic research has published an overview of the elements of proposed reform of the EU emissions trading system.

See the DIW report in English here


Tagesspiegel/Windkaft Journal

“Electric mobility: Something's happening in Berlin”

In a piece for the Tagesspiegel on the e-mobility summit in Berlin, Henrik Mortsiefer writes that despite Germany lagging on electric cars, researchers are optimistic that the technology is approaching a “tipping point” which will see it begin to grow far more rapidly. The Windkaft Journal meanwhile, reports that Germany currently has 17 e-mobility charging stations, with sites ear-marked for another 34.

See the Tagesspiegel article in German here.

See the Windkaft Journal article in German here.


*Like the Clean Energy Wire, Agora Energiewende is a project funded by Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation.

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